Rationality and Finality of the World of...

Rationality and Finality of the World of...
€ 5,50
€ 4,95
In the "Notebook on Metaphysics No IV is discussed basic concepts for understanding reality, the so-called: transcendentals: being, thing, the one, separate, truth, the good and beauty. These concepts describe properties of every being and allow to understand that not only man, but every being, animate and inanimate, is rational and purposeful. Rationality of beings manifests itself in the fact that particular things carry in their existence plan of the Creator or an artist. The finality of the world is revealed by the fact that the individual things carry on its existence a specific purpose, founded by the will of the Creator or an artist.
Rok wydania: 2016
Opis wydania
Strony: 178, Format: 207x145 mm