It is not obvious how to predict the future...UA

It is not obvious how to predict the future...UA
€ 7,33
€ 6,60

Rohit Bhargava's trend analysis is based on a lot of research and allows you to be at the center of global trends. This book contains 15 completely new trends in the fields of marketing and social media, technology and design, economics and business, which will help you easily maneuver in the future and consciously control your intentions and purpose. Over the past 7 years, Rogit has been predicting non-obvious trends that have already been successfully applied by leading global corporations: Intel, Under Armour, The World Bank, etc. Learn how to harness the power of nonobvious thinking to transform your business, career, and success

Rok wydania: 2019, oprawa: twarda
Opis wydania
Strony: 288, Format: 211x155 mm